"Fiat" and Freedom: Self-Giving and the Totality of Life
This year, the Annunciation and the day dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows follow each other. More than anything, I feel that these two...
Living Witness
This year, the Annunciation and the day dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows follow each other. More than anything, I feel that these two...
The 29th June is a special feast in the calendar of the Roman Catholic Church, for it celebrates the principal patrons of the Church of...
At Pentecost we celebrate the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Of utmost significance is the contrast between the start of the passage...
Being confined in our homes, it is normal to reminisce about our previous lifestyle and also appreciate the little things in our lives...
One of the consequences brought by the onslaught of this pandemic is isolation. Consequently, it has emerged as a fruitful moment of...
O Lord, I cry to you from the depths of my heart, I feel the darkness surrounding me, paralysing me with fear. The forces of darkness are...
Insellmilkom! Illum huwa Ħadd il-Palm u l-bidu tal-Ä imgħa Mqaddsa. F'dan il-jum is-soltu nieħdu sehem fil-purÄ‹issjoni bil-friegħi...
Today is a special day in the hearts of devoted Maltese people. The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows is imprinted in many hearts. Yet, this...
Bħalissa ninsabu mifnijin b'numri u statistika. Mingħajr ma rridu, spiss inqallbu xi stazzjon biex naraw kif inhi s-sitwazzjoni madwar...
Hello to all. I couldn't help but reflect on yesterday's historical Urbi et Orbi bestowed by Pope Francis (27th March, 2020). The scene...
We are living a particular Lenten period. We speak of fasting and penance. Maybe this year, most of our fasting has been induced. We...
Today we celebrate the feast of the Annunciation. The Lenten season is a special time which draws us towards reflection. The mystery of...
My previous reflections have centred on the appreciation of the solitude in the midst of the current crisis. Jesus constantly speaks of...
The situation precipitated by Covid-19 has prompted us into a different lifestyle where, admittedly, we are stuck since this is not what...
"Therefore, I will now allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak tenderly to her." (Hos 2, 14) The Covid-19 has brought...