Being confined in our homes, it is normal to reminisce about our previous lifestyle and also appreciate the little things in our lives which we took for granted. We are all looking forward to venturing out in freedom. We imagine what our life would be in a post-Covid-19 world. Yet, the question remains. Do we really want to return to our previous lifestyle? Should we?
These past weeks in confinement has compelled me to reflect more about our current situation. These are some aspects which I cannot help but ponder on.
1. We have become more attuned to the reality to isolation and its impact on our whole health. We have previously commented on the impact of isolation which has become a hallmark of a contemporary, consumerist and technologically-driven world. Many a time we have experienced the isolation in freedom as we wandered about, in a bid to improve our lives. We barely had time to communicate as we went about in our frenzied life, struggling to live up to pressures we imposed upon ourselves, driven by the inherent need to be efficient in order to earn respect. Ironically, confinement brought with it ample time to reflect on our reality and to start and take notice about what really matters.
2. We have become more empathic with the vulnerable people, especially the elderly, most of whom spend most of their lives in confinement. Now that there has been an invisible barrier imposed upon us, we realize how much the elderly need to spend time with their children and their grandchildren, and the other way round. We realise how the voice of wisdom lived through great experiences still reverberates in our times, and that is even more necessary in a society which, at times, is devoid of direction.
3. We have seen countless reports and pictures which attest to the fact that the planet is healing and breathing once more. The air has become cleaner. A lower incidence of asthma attacks has been reported. Pods of dolphins have been sighted very close to land. The Himalayas range can be seen once more from various villages. The epic "Krakatoa: the Day the World Exploded," so meticulously researched and written by Simon Winchester" attests to the fact that life has the final word. The Covid-19 situation has brought a sigh of relief for the planet, whether we want to admit it or not. And yet I ask, did we need to go through such a situation to realise how much we depend on the planet we are destroying? Do we need to check our insatiable appetite in all its forms, which is taking its toll on our planet and on the well-being of other people who struggle to make ends meet in order to satiate our greed?
4. During this time, many of us have discovered hidden talents, be it in the concoction of a new recipe, a painting, sowing and planting (which is my case!), or other forms of creativity, unhindered and unfettered by the constant pressure of round-the-clock efficiency. We have discovered a new and fuller person within us. I admit that I have been constantly awed by the creative streak which resides within every person I know. This might have been also an opportunity to be more attuned to the fact that there is a greater and fuller person behind the faces around us. Each human person is unique and this great experience has been a great eye-opener in that respect.
I want to be honest. This reflection does not entail a romanticising of the present situation under confinement. It is a hard time, but a time which can be an opportunity to undo our blindfold and widen our vision to discover new depths to real life. I, for one, am looking forward to relaxing and Where does this take us in the post-Covid-19 world? Do we really want to retrace our steps to the previous life? We are at a crossroads, where we have to opportunity to forge ahead a new life, armed with the reflection and creativity which we have discovered during these challenging times.
Hence, I choose to embark on a "new" normal. I want to forge ahead a life which is sensitive to those around me; more attuned to the greater narrative of the human being; a life which respects the greater force of life and the beauty of nature; a life where I realise that I can freely give without seeking anything in return; a life which respects the beauty and depth of each human being I encounter. Most importantly, I want to want to out to live out the potential inherent within me as I decide the my steps which I must take. I want to positively respond to the mission of leaving the world as a better place.